Hi Alexis and anyone else reading 🫶🏻

My name's Susannah and I write about brain health and capitalism! 🧠 💰

I'm from the north of England but have lived in Austria since 2011, where I'm writing from now.

I've finally started properly planning my nonfiction book and wanted a place to write about my research and experiences around the topic - often things that won't make it into the book but that need to be talked about more.

Can't wait to read about everyone's projects!

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I am also intrigued! Heading over to subscribe now. Thank you for introducing yourself!

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Thank you for the opportunity ☺️

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Thanks for sharing, Susannah! Looking forward to hearing more about your research and experiences.

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Jul 2Liked by Alexis Damen

Those themes sound very interesting (one is also what I'm writing about, and both are such a big part of life). Looking forward to reading more on them! :)

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Jul 2Liked by Alexis Damen

Susannah, I’m so intrigued by the two topics you’re writing about and how they intersect. Subscribed and looking forward to reading more!

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This is my site if you'd like to check it out ☝🏻

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I'm Edie. I'm writing from New Hampshire. I started my substack Losing the Mothership to talk about my family's journey with Alzheimer's, but with a light touch. I also have two blogs--one on sports and one on cooking--but didn't want to start another blog. Substack is free to me (had me there) and offered easier ways to grow my readership, though I am darned envious of how quickly Alexis has grown hers! Psyched to learn from you all how to do that better. Like...how do I get the link below to actually be a link in notes? Asking for a friend...


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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Author

Thanks for your intro, Edie! I'm a fan of your Substack (as you know). It's so helpful for me to read about your experience as I deal w/ the experience of losing my mother to Alzheimer's. 🫶

About the link actually being a link in Notes... I'm not sure about exactly what you mean? But if you copy and paste it into a Note it should work. Or if you go to the post itself and hit the Restack button and then add a Note to it, it should also work. I hope this helps!

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Thank you Alexis! It actually did work when I posted the comment, but it didn't look like it was an actual link until I hit enter. Newbie learning curve, and thanks for circling back!

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I love the title, "Losing the Mothership."

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Whereabouts in NH? I spent time hiking up there before I moved! Thanks for sharing about your mom. I've subscribed, as the subject of Alzheimers is deeply interesting to me.

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Thanks for subscribing! And back atcha. Plus...OMG you are a death doula, a term I only recently learned. I am in Etna, close to Hanover and about a mile from the AT so you were probably very close at some point. Thanks for reaching out!

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Jul 2Liked by Alexis Damen

Of course! I look forward to reading. And yep!! Glad you've heard about death doulas! The movement is gaining speed! Oh wow, yes, I hiked straight through Hanover! I loved that town.

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Oh wow, what an amazing job. Do you write about your experiences with that as well? I've heard of birth doulas and there's a charity where I live that does what I imagine death doulas doing but I don’t think the term has made it to Austria yet.

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Jul 2Liked by Alexis Damen

Unfortunately, my main job is a graphic design contractor! My doula work is still in progress; I've studied, trained, but am only just now beginning to work with clients in a volunteer grief support capacity. (My doula work was also sidelined by a 5 year abusive relationship, a cross country move, and my long hike; I definitely am writing about all THAT!) I was a hospice volunteer for six months, which helped ground my training and doula education. I am starting to write a bit about the grief work clients (but delicately, as confidentiality is always a concern). At the moment, I write about how my education in death work has shaped how I view life, and how (I believe) it can help others live in a more grounded, meaningful way.

Death doula work is sometimes referred to as death care, or death midwifery. So there's a great chance that charity is already doing some sort of death work! The term, death doula, is slowly making its rounds. "Doula" is actually an old term; meaning simply, "woman who helps." (Nowadays, it's more like "person who helps," as doula work isn't only restricted to women!) Anyway, clearly, I can ramble on about this stuff for ages!!

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I only discovered this idea of comprehensive support around death a couple of months ago and I've been thinking of looking into it. The charity I found does training courses too.... I But I'm going to get my book written first - two side projects are too much! Looking forward to reading as much about it as you feel comfortable sharing <3

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Jul 2Liked by Alexis Damen

Let me know of you ever want to chat - about death care and/or the training involved! I hope it serves you well if you decide to learn more. Oooooooh what's your book about? Brain health and capitalism (as your substack says)? Or something else?

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Yep - brain health is the main topic (psychosis, psyc wards, bit of history, learning to take care of your brain...) but capitalism is in there too.

And thank you!!

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Hi Alexis, lovely to hear your story and thanks for your great Substack! I'm Marisa and my Substack is called "Not Your Average Business Coach" because I'm not. I only work with micro businesses, I'm not into money for the sake of it, I HATE the "6 figure" shtick we are all sold, and I am very rebellious by nature. I am privileged to live in the beautiful Dartmoor National Park in the UK and I am on Substack because I value quality over quantity when it comes to writing. I just couldn't face another shiny IG post. Substack feels real and grounded. Here you go beautiful people: https://marisaguthrie.substack.com/

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I'm with you, Marisa! Since I started writing on Substack, I've pretty much completely ditched Instagram. I wonder if it will last. Welcome!

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Thanks Alexis. I think it will. I have 3 clients who now use Substack exclusively and are loving it. With the IG algorithm about to change I think people are leaving. Watch this space...

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Hi! I'm Paul and I'm writing from Cardiff in Wales. Though not a natural born Welshman I've been living here since I moved from London in 2008. I'm a freelance TV producer but I'm finally acting on my desire to write - hence Substack - And am taking on all the mysteries of life (from the viewpoint of a man in his mid 40's - but don't let that put you off!)

This is probably the best post I've written, and gives you a flavour of my style... https://paulsymonds.substack.com/p/dos-and-donts-of-being-on-tinder?r=401bxa am thinking about

Have a read! Subscribe! Say Hello x

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Jul 3·edited Jul 3Author

Love the post you shared! And thank you for the introduction. The fact that you're a man in your mid 40s sharing life experiences is not a put-off at all. I'm intrigued!

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Thanks Alexis! Your support is really appreciated… I look forward to reading more of your work too!

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Hi everyone 👋

I'm Sophie and I live in New Zealand! I'm originally from Belgium but moved here about ten years ago.

We currently live in a tiny house in the middle of nowhere, fully off the grid.

I've been writing on medium and joined substack one month ago.

This is my latest post: https://open.substack.com/pub/thisissophietoday/p/how-can-you-be-present-in-the-here?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=3emw0m

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Welcome, Sophie!

Wow, off the grid sounds great. I would love to do that (for a few months). Checking your post now!

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It really is amazing, although I just wrote a story on Medium about how difficult it is 😂 It's winter here in New Zealand, and a few things broke down in our house, resulting in very cold cold days and nights. But even with those tough moments, I still wouldn't trade in the lifestyle!

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Jul 2Liked by Alexis Damen

Hi Alexis and all!

Thanks for sharing your story with us, Alexis! And for opening up this space! 😊

I'm Milena, writing from London.

I've joined Substack hoping that sharing some of my struggles around perfectionism and procrastination may help others, or at least make them feel less alone. It seemed like exactly the right platform when I needed it, as my first blog was only read by a few close friends and the bots 😅

The community here is truly amazing 😊

Here's a post of mine on procrastination that seems to have resonated with people :)


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Welcome, Milena! Thank you for your introduction. Love your take on the fact that procrastination is not rest.

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Jul 3Liked by Alexis Damen

Thank you for taking the time to have a look! 😊

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Jul 2Liked by Alexis Damen

Love this introduction! I grew up in Minnesota, moved to Salt Lake City Utah 3 years ago and then moved back to MN last winter as I, too, am going through a divorce. I started my Substack last week as a place to process and share my growth/healing journey and hopefully meet some kindred spirits along the way.

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Thanks for your intro, Camilla! Sorry to hear you're going through a divorce. It was about 5 years ago for me and honestly, it's the best thing that ever happened to me. I hope you will find the silver lining as well and wish you lots of strength and love in this time of change and growth.

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Hey Alexis and everyone else! I'm Jamie from Laval (Montreal) in Canada!

I started on Substack about a year and a half ago as way to have an online archive of my daily newsletter that shares 3 resources to help people make more money online. Substack also provides my audience with a weekly option and more visibility for my content.

I also just started a Substack newsletter called Minimalist Books Weekly where I share my passion for short books (both reading and publishing them). Today's issue is coming out in a few hours, but here's last weeks: https://open.substack.com/pub/minimalistbooks/p/mbw-003-rock-your-newsletter

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Thanks for your intro, Jamie! Glad to have you here!

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Hi Alexis and everyone!! Thank you for the opportunity<3 I'm Izel and I'm from Sri Lanka! It's the small mango-looking country under India if you guys don't know. To be honest, I have been looking for a side hustle for some time now. Tried writing as a freelancer but that never worked out for me. I don't know whether there's something wrong with me, but none of those 'famous' side hustles ever worked for me. So I was looking for one on YouTube when I saw Kristina God's video and started this newsletter a month ago. It's the best decision I ever took and I love it here! I might want to earn some money in the future but mostly I enjoy writing! I can be my weird self without anyone judging me. Like I write about personal growth with Psychology + horror stories/ crime investigations for crying out loud! The support from all the amazing fellow writers is everything!

So sorry for the long rant! Here's my latest post on crime investigation: https://spookywithizel.substack.com/p/the-axeman-of-new-orleans?r=3wz6kd

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Hi Izel! Thanks for the long rant. ;) Happy to have you here and have enjoyed reading your work so far!

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Jul 2Liked by Alexis Damen

Hi there! I'm Niki, writing from Salt Lake City, Utah. I moved here from across the country following a 900 mile hike on the Appalachian Trail, where I learned I had been settling for a "good enough life," instead of actively pursuing the things I wanted. I initially started my Substack as a way to work through "post trail depression," which is the culture shock that many long distance hikers endure after being abruptly plopped back into the rat race of society. I began writing about my hike, but it's grown since then! Now, I publish short pieces on living, dying, and finding meaning as a 20-something; all of which are themes in my upcoming book!

You can check out my latest piece on self care here! https://nikielle.substack.com/p/why-i-love-my-hair-what-the-hell

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Thanks for the your intro, Niki! Post trail depression, that is interesting and I would have never thought about it, but it makes sense the way you explained it. The rat race is not easy.

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Jul 3Liked by Alexis Damen

Yeah! In addition to the "rat race," there's an interesting physiological reaction as well - you go suddenly from moving your body, walking all day, every day, and generating those happy endorphins to...well..just sitting still in an office chair again. That's quite a crash!

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Oh man, yeah. That sounds awful!

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Hi hello 👋I’m Carmen and live in the south of Germany. I have lived in the Uk, Australia and the Middle East for a short while too and love travelling to new places.

I started on substack 4 years ago but I couldn’t find any other writers and wasn’t sure how to grow with a very underdeveloped substack at the time. Anyways 4 years later things are better and I’m enjoying writing about creating a life I love and all things rest, which I see as a lost art and the foundation of a joyful life.

I’m an overthinker at times and wrote about why it gets harder the longer we wait… and being brave.


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Thanks for your intro here, Carmen! I will check out your post. 🫶

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Jul 6Liked by Alexis Damen

Hi Alexis, many thanks for your introduction and also inviting others to introduce themselves, really is an exciting way to build a community!

I'm from Malaysia and not so successful youtuber teaching coding. I started a blogspot blog on coding tutorials but I felt disappointed when I was told by Adsense that they wouldn't monetise my blog now as it's yet not ready to be monetised! So, I decided to migrate to Substack and write with better hope than live with uncertainty to make a living out of my blog unless Adsense approves!! 😞

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I have published research articles in past. Currently I’m trying to get into medical communications and journalism. I got an opportunity to do internship at a renowned platform recently. You know to improve my portfolio and knowledge. So far it’s going good. Yeah I’m looking forward to your posts on freelancing. Thanks for checking out my post.

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That’s great! Have you seen this pub? (Link below). Maybe you could learn a few things from Lucy about pitching yourself/your writing to relevant publications.


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Thanks Alexis, I’ll check her out.

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Hi Alexis and anybody who sees me. I’m Shanjitha. I’m writing from India. I lost badly with the Google systems in the blogging game. I wanted a safe space to just be myself and finding similar minds. Substack felt safe enough for me. So I left everything behind and jumped in here. I am current pursuing to be a freelance medical writer. I write about my personal growth learnings, my love for the creative life and my writing career milestones. And I love your style of writing. Thanks for this introduction post. This is one of my articles.


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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Author

Welcome, Shanjitha!

Thanks for your intro. I love that you call Substack a "safe space" — I agree! And I hope it stays this way. I also think I'll leave everything else behind for my personal writing.

Interesting that you're pursuing a freelance medical writing career. How's it going so far? Have you been published anywhere yet? I'll be sharing more about my experience as a freelance writer in upcoming posts, so feel free to ask me anything!

Also, thanks for your kind words about my writing style. It means a lot to me.

Take care!

P.S. Checking your post now!

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Hello All, It looks like I am late to the party—first, a thank you to Alexis for the invite to share

My name is Os (pronounced Oz), and I'm writing from Hong Kong. For the last twenty years, I have had a career in marketing. Soon this chapter of my life will be ending.

I've recently gotten busy here with two substacks, one related to my past work experiences, and the other on embracing aging.

Funnily enough, I am enjoying writing the aging one more!

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Welcome, Os! I think writing about personal experiences versus work provides more of a release and more creative freedom. I have also enjoyed experimenting more and writing about personal topics, thoughts, and feelings instead of work-related stuff. I'm hoping to find a healthy mix of both for my Substack. Thanks for your intro!

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Hi Alexis, thank you for subscribing. I'm looking forward to more of your posts.

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Hi Alexis and others in your community. I am an Aussie living in rural Australia. I spent 20 years living and working in the USA. I married an American and we began and raised our family there. We came to Australia as a family in 1999. I have retired from my day job in an equity crowd funding business I helped start and am now taking more time to do what I love....healing work, mentoring and now writing. Thanks for this opportunity to say hello Alexis. If you would like to see any of my posts here is a link to my site...Living Your Wisdom. Thank you. Blessings to you all. Ian. https://theclearmindway.substack.com/

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Hi Ian,

Thanks for your intro! I've loved reading your work so far.

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Thanks Alexis. I also enjoy your writing, and appreciate to be on a platform that seems to make building a community and real connection possible. There is a real..."coming home" sense in your writing. Blessings to you. Ian

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Jul 2Liked by Alexis Damen

Hi everyone! 👋 I love this idea and always keen to find new writers to read and connect with!

I’m Rebecca and I’m currently writing from Edinburgh, Scotland. I came to Substack about two years ago because I was looking for more long-form writing to enjoy and, secretly, hoped I could find a space to rediscover my own writing voice too.

My own Substack is The Hot Desk where I write loosely about all things modern work-life. Having had a varied and somewhat patchwork career so far, I’m really interested in how we work, rest and play is changing. That said, I can feel the themes of The Hot Desk evolving as my own working life changes, so watch this space…

I feel like I’m in a time of transition as a writer, which is good and scary in equal measure. Getting better at sharing my writing is part of that, so here’s a recent post about perfectionism and procrastination: https://open.substack.com/pub/thehotdesk/p/perfection-conditions-1?r=52y6u&utm_medium=ios

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Welcome, Rebecca! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself here. I like the theme of your Substack! Taking a peek now.

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Jul 2Liked by Alexis Damen

Hi! I’m Lani and I’m writing from Portugal. (But I’ll be in Amsterdam this week!) Here’s a brief intro to my account: https://open.substack.com/pub/lpokrana/p/odds-and-ends?r=2k34vr&utm_medium=ios

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Hi, Lani! Thanks for your quick intro. And enjoy Amsterdam! I was in Lagos at the end of May. Beautiful!

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Hey Alexis and everyone else reading this! 👋

First and foremost, I really liked the idea of having an intro blog where your readers can interact with each other👌

I'm Abhishek writing from India and have been a reader on Substack for over a year. I've been writing since the last 10 years on WordPress. The more I used this platform, the more I liked it and four weeks back I migrated here. I end up adding humor in everything I write as it comes naturally to me. It took me some time to figure out that is how I write and it is okay to not being able to write heartwarming stuff! 😅

This is my recent post where I discuss the bad side of pigeons and how there's more to them than meets the eye: https://anotherabhishek.substack.com/p/pigeons-are-the-worst

Hope you enjoy reading this!

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Welcome, Abhishek! Thanks for sharing more about yourself!

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My name is Craig. I am currently wrting from a small rural Ontario Canada town a few hours North of Toronto. I am trying to learn about Substack to see if it makes sense to invest time and energy here as I work on building my online writing business. I lived in a van one summer at Sauble Beach while working during the day Managing an Ice Cream shop, working overnights stocking shelves at a grocery store and playing Jr B Lacrosse, all in an effort to save money for University I don't have any posts on Substack, but here is a link to a Medium article: https://medium.com/p/6cbaf1ca52db.

Have an awesome rest of your day!

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Hi Craig! Thanks for joining us here in the comments! So far, I’m loving Substack! I love that it has everything like blogging, social media, podcasting, and ways to paywall your work all built into one! I’ll check out your medium post. Welcome!

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Awesome! It sounds like it's the place to be.

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Yes! I’m a fan! Hope you like it too!

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Btw, I took a quick peek at your medium post. I wrote a draft from my phone the other day too. I think it’s more about writing immediately when the idea strikes that makes it so good! 😊

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I'm Andrew from Canada. I started my SubStack (2 of them, well 1 started right now, one is being prepped for launch) for my writing (Fantasy/Scifi fiction) I wrote a bit of a silly piece to share for contests and such:


I write flash fiction right now, because I struggle to finish things.

My other is about Parenthood and Judo https://judodad.substack.com/ (Haven't launched yet.)

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Welcome, Andrew! I’ll check out your posts!

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Hi! 👋 I’m Gabby and I am currently writing from France. We’re on our second road trip with our three kids and I am going to write about it, just like I have been writing about our previous road trip to Portugal and back to Hungary 😀 I am also writing on Medium and Vocal Media, but my focus is now Substack. i hope to meet many new cool people here. In my Substack I write about parenting and traveling with kids (we have three littles under 8yo). Nice to meet you! 🥰

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Welcome, Gabriela! Thanks for your intro. That sounds like a handful while traveling. I don't have any kids, but I'm still curious how you do it! I will check out your post.

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Thanks Alexis! It's a lot of fun, actually, and we get to spend time together as a family in new environments. So far, it has strengthened our bond. We are explorers and there is so much to explore! :)

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I bet the quality family time is great!

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I'm Ron from Pennsylvania. I started the Let Go and Be Free podcast more than two years ago. We were still in the pandemic, so I decided to start a podcast to talk about growing up in a dysfunctional family with substance abuse. I had heard many writers in the tech industry start substacks, so I figured I'd give it a try. I've been writing fiction for more 20 years with 15+ novels published. I love writing and it's only within the last few weeks that I'm realize how amazing substack is. There are so many great people here!

My latest post is "I Failed as a Writer. Now What?"


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Welcome, Ron! Thanks for your introduction and for being vulnerable! I will check out your post.

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You are welcome! It's always nice to see what other writers are up to and to be honest with some of the challenges. Thanks again for checking my article out. I hope it was helpful!

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Hi. I am Shell Norman from Detroit. I just began exploring Substack to "be around" a community of writers. Working on a non-fiction project that is quite a revelation about family secrets and how our background shapes us. I was lucky enough to grow up by a unique wooded land on the outskirts of Detroit, so nature influences my creativity. I tried to post a picture here of cruising down one of the channels by the lakes around Michigan but not sure how to do that. :-)

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Thanks for introducing yourself, Shell! I don't think you can add pictures in the comments of a post, but you can share it via Notes or one of your posts. ;)

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Hi, I'm Peggy, and I'm from Connecticut. In addition to working in communications for a non-profit theater, I'm also a dance teacher and choreographer. My substack newsletter is called "French For Dancers," and it's my passion project, demystifying the French terminology in ballet, as well as dance technique itself. It's not just for dancers, I think anyone who'd like to understand more about the dance arts would enjoy it!

My latest post is: https://frenchfordancers.substack.com/p/french-for-dancers-newsletter-degage

Offline, I'm also working on some kid lit projects, some short stories, and I dabble in poetry.

I'm looking forward to browsing through lots of new posts and newsletters, thanks to this thread!

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Welcome, Peggy! Thanks for introducing yourself! That's an interesting newsletter concept!

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Hi, I am Irene and am writing from sunny Corfu (a lovely island in Greece). Last year I moved my newsletter to Substack and it has helped me to find my voice. The last months I haven't been writing much, I just wasn't able to connect with what I truly want to share, do I write about writing, because I am a writer or do I write about the subject that really moves me and that is how we can create a more sustainable environment by listening to our deepest desires. The latter is always coming back to me, no matter what I do or where I go, but sometimes my life seems unmatchable... So here I am in a phase where I am doubting the way my Substack will continue, but there is a lot to read, one of the blogs I had a lot of fun writing was one of the last ones I published...

It is about a creative process and moving with the ebb and flow of it all...


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Hi Irene,

Thanks for your introduction! I'm also torn about whether I should write about being a freelance writer or about other topics that interest me. For now, I've decided to do a little bit of both! And then I'll see what resonates best with readers and what I enjoy writing about the most and go from there. It's nice to hear I'm not the only one who's still figuring it out. 😻

I'll check out your post now!

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Yeah, maybe as writers we have a lot to share, but we don't all have to inspire others to write I guess... Otherwise the world will be full of writing coaches and less writers... Thanks for your answer, that inspires me to take on a new approach 😊

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