It really is a great line. Would make a good book title. I'll give you and Alexis 6 months, and if you haven't done anything with it by then, I'm stealing it!
I feel like debating whether Santa's sleigh is electric would generate quite a heated discussion as well at my house on all the pros and cons of electric vehicles. No topic is safe 🤣
Good tips. All I can do is beg for sympathy and support: my parents are coming for Christmas, for 3 WEEKS. There will be at least 20 arguments a day. 18 of them will be about politics. The first topic my mother will bring up, 100% guaranteed is Hunter Biden. She'll ask me whether I think it was "disgraceful" that Joe pardoned him. And I will resort to my usual tactic: OTT sarcasm, an attempt to change the topic, or use tactics 3 and 5 on your list. "Chaos will be my ally" - thank you!
If this isn't too personal, is this your partner's first trip to NY with you for the holidays? The foreigner element always adds potential spice to the equation. My British brother in law loves to wind up my American dad in a very ironic way, and it's always a treat 😂
Actually, it is! But TBH, I don’t see it getting very heated in that sense. Actually, my brother and my boyfriend will probably team up to give me a hard time, and that’s it. I should plan an escape route ahead of time! 😂
Chaos is my ally! My new mantra 😂
🙌🏻 As long as it works for you! 😂
It really is a great line. Would make a good book title. I'll give you and Alexis 6 months, and if you haven't done anything with it by then, I'm stealing it!
Maybe even tweak it a bit: Make chaos your ally!
I feel like debating whether Santa's sleigh is electric would generate quite a heated discussion as well at my house on all the pros and cons of electric vehicles. No topic is safe 🤣
Hahaha. Indeed, just hide for as long as possible! 🙈 Or fake a stomach bug.
Such a good point! Before you realise it, Greta Thunberg's name is being thrown around and an all out brawl on climate change is about to ensue.
Lovely pun Sophie btw, whether intended or not. I think the discussion could really boil over 😜
Good catch, Daniel! Hehe.
Lol wasn't intentional but I like it 😆
The best kinds of puns! 😀
Love this! Perfection 👌
Thank you! I certainly had a chuckle while writing it. 🤣
I bet 🤣
Let us also know how your dinner goes!
Good tips. All I can do is beg for sympathy and support: my parents are coming for Christmas, for 3 WEEKS. There will be at least 20 arguments a day. 18 of them will be about politics. The first topic my mother will bring up, 100% guaranteed is Hunter Biden. She'll ask me whether I think it was "disgraceful" that Joe pardoned him. And I will resort to my usual tactic: OTT sarcasm, an attempt to change the topic, or use tactics 3 and 5 on your list. "Chaos will be my ally" - thank you!
Oh man. 3 weeks is TOO long. Haha. Good luck. 🤞🏻I almost said, “I’ll be praying for you.” But I don’t do that. 🙏🏻
'Haha'? you're cruel 😭!
If this isn't too personal, is this your partner's first trip to NY with you for the holidays? The foreigner element always adds potential spice to the equation. My British brother in law loves to wind up my American dad in a very ironic way, and it's always a treat 😂
also, we’ll be in FL for the holiday with my mom and brother, but thankfully they’re still NY-ers when it comes to politics. 😅
Actually, it is! But TBH, I don’t see it getting very heated in that sense. Actually, my brother and my boyfriend will probably team up to give me a hard time, and that’s it. I should plan an escape route ahead of time! 😂