9 things that happened after I discovered Substack Notes
It's not what you think. Or maybe it is? 🤔
I didn’t get any work done.
I forgot to eat lunch.
I stopped replying to my WhatsApp messages.
I deleted LinkedIn and Instagram from my phone.
I also deleted the Substack app because I don’t trust myself. But it’s still on my iPad, so I stopped using my phone and laptop. I tried.
I launched 3 more pubs and already deleted 2 of them.
My screen time went up to 24 hours a day.
I became a fan girl and started telling everyone about Substack.
I connected via DMs with a few nice people who are feeling just as overwhelmed and excited as me.
On a serious note…
I’m inspired by (mostly) everyone I discover here on Substack. This place is so refreshing. When I launched my first (more serious) newsletter (slash online magazine), I had no idea about all the other features this platform offers. But now that I do, I often find myself thinking about all the different things I can write about.
That’s why I started Creative & Curious. It’s a place to explore new writing styles, share my experience as a freelance writer, and talk about life and everything in between (how am I going to create tags?!). I might experiment with humor and short stories, not sure yet. And I might share writing prompts with the community so we can experiment with new writing styles together.
Would you be interested in that?
I lol’d at number 5. These are all too real 😅
On a more serious note, I think it’s wise to start by not knowing what you’ll write about and just follow your interests. In that way you’re more likely to produce regularly, and with authenticity, which I suspect will lead to an engaged audience. And if nothing else, you’ll learn, become a better writer, and have some fun!
I had to change my homepage to subscriptions instead of notes. Otherwise, I was scrolling, scrolling, scrolling with some reading in between 😂