Oh, my heart. What a rollercoaster this ride is, but how important it is to find the funny moments and humanity amidst it all, too. My mum - who famously hated bbq sauce - discovered a real taste for it in her last few years at home. She loved it so much she put it on everything, even cake!! Now the bbq sauce phase has passed, but the sweet tooth has stuck. Which is a good reminder to bring her some Australian treats when I visit in a few weeks! Thanks for writing about the hard stuff. I know it isn't easy 💜

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It’s funny the little quirks they develop! I hope your visit goes and smoothly as possible!!! ❤️

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Thanks for sharing this! It's not easy going throught this so just want to say thank you for sharing your story. It helps a lot!

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Thanks, Ellina! I appreciate that. 💛

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Thank you for this post and for the shout-out Alexis! The ice cream, and your mom forgetting the sequence of how to eat it, brought it all back. My mom and I had a messy ice cream moment that was also beautiful because it made her so happy when few things did. What you are going through is TOUGH. And way worse to do it in a vacuum. Getting it out there helps you and helps others, so I hope you will keep bravely pushing send on the hard posts too!

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Thank you, Edie! I appreciate your support and vulnerability! Also, thanks for sharing a little snapshot of your ice cream moment. 🍨

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Alexis, I am a fan of your writing and this is my favorite piece. You are handling such a difficult situation with grace. I am finding humor with my aging parents as well. They live in Ocala, too! Lol!

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That means a lot, Ami! I’m glad this one resonates with you. I hesitated to share it, but now I’m glad I did! Cheers to aging parents in Ocala! 🍻

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I really appreciate this post. My grandmother has dementia and it’s a very new experience for me

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Thanks for your kind words. Sending you lots of strength. I think my biggest learning is to know that I’m doing my best and to take care of myself!

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Sorry you're going through that - I do agree with you, I think Alzheimers might be one of the worst ways to go, both for the person suffering from the disease and their family and friends. Take care.

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Thanks, Sophie. Appreciate your comment. 💛

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I love your story! Have you read "Still Alice" - highly recommend.

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Ah no haven’t read that one yet. Added to my list! Thank you.

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BIG hugs! That sounds so so difficult to witness your mom going through this. 💔

And, this was lovely to read. And the humor of beer through a straw is such funny comedic relief!

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Thanks, Megan! Appreciate the virtual hugs! It really was/is quite funny (and a relief indeed).

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Beautiful piece, even if it's heavy to read. Dementia absolutely sucks - no worries about "disease minimizing here"! And also this is YOUR experience, so please don't feel the need to please the gatekeepers...I see this a lot in grief work and I'm like "who says you aren't allowed to be sad!? Just because someone else has a perceived "bigger loss"?!

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Thanks, Niki! That’s a really good point that I hadn’t thought of. We’re all on our own journey. 💛

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Alexis, sharing the personal stories is healing; it's a way to get through them. You simply must find things to laugh about, and I'm sure your mom would be happy that you are if she understood it all. Moms are just like that. I relate to this story more than I can explain here. 😌

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Thanks for your note, Shell! That’s very reassuring to hear. 🙏 I’m sorry for whatever similar situation you’ve dealt with. BIG HUG!

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