I love your attitude to cooking and recipes. I'm exactly the same, and I hate precise measurements and over-elaborate instructions, adds too much stress and unpleasantness to cooking for me. I will make this dish soon, just need to find some sambal, haven't used it before (though my 6 year old might object!)
I've just reread Bird by Bird and it is great. I was wondering though, some of her language on a reread strikes me as a bit...offensive? (like the way she described her experience at the 'special olympics'?) Still, it's full of good advice. I've been meaning to read Didion, and I've got 'Miami' on my kindle, I know that's not one of her most well-known or popular, but it's where my father is from, figured I'd start there.
Enjoy! There are different types of Sambal. Some less spicy than others. :)
Considering Bird by Bird was published in the 90s, that could be true. I didn't notice, but I might if I reread it! I agree, it's full of great advice.
I've added Miami to my list too! Thanks for the rec.
I love spicy stuff, though, it’s always a dilemma when cooking for myself and others - whose comfort to sacrifice?!
I haven’t read Miami yet, so I’m not 100% sure I can recommend it (just a warning) - I have my personal reasons, but I always really like discovering new writers through their lesser-known works, and then building up to their more popular stuff. I think I’ve written about this way back when but will need to dust off an old post on the topic.
Sounds delicious. Sambal is great, we don't have it in NZ but some of the Dutch shops have it. Also, we have similar reading habits. I loved bird by bird and I've been reading Joan Didion lately as well, started with My Year of Magical Thinking and now reading Blue Nights. Both so good.
Love this! It also reminds me of how much I love and miss the sambal in the NL too. Last year I even ended up grabbing a couple of jars to bring back to Aus 😂 strange souvenirs but we like what we like hey?!
I love your attitude to cooking and recipes. I'm exactly the same, and I hate precise measurements and over-elaborate instructions, adds too much stress and unpleasantness to cooking for me. I will make this dish soon, just need to find some sambal, haven't used it before (though my 6 year old might object!)
I've just reread Bird by Bird and it is great. I was wondering though, some of her language on a reread strikes me as a bit...offensive? (like the way she described her experience at the 'special olympics'?) Still, it's full of good advice. I've been meaning to read Didion, and I've got 'Miami' on my kindle, I know that's not one of her most well-known or popular, but it's where my father is from, figured I'd start there.
Enjoy! There are different types of Sambal. Some less spicy than others. :)
Considering Bird by Bird was published in the 90s, that could be true. I didn't notice, but I might if I reread it! I agree, it's full of great advice.
I've added Miami to my list too! Thanks for the rec.
LMK how the Asian stir fry turns out!
I love spicy stuff, though, it’s always a dilemma when cooking for myself and others - whose comfort to sacrifice?!
I haven’t read Miami yet, so I’m not 100% sure I can recommend it (just a warning) - I have my personal reasons, but I always really like discovering new writers through their lesser-known works, and then building up to their more popular stuff. I think I’ve written about this way back when but will need to dust off an old post on the topic.
I’ll check in with you re: the stir fry for sure!
I love spice too! And that’s a nice approach to reading an authors work. I have so many books on my list I prob won’t get to Miami before you. Haha.
Sounds delicious. Sambal is great, we don't have it in NZ but some of the Dutch shops have it. Also, we have similar reading habits. I loved bird by bird and I've been reading Joan Didion lately as well, started with My Year of Magical Thinking and now reading Blue Nights. Both so good.
Bird by Bird was indeed great! I’ll add those Joan Didion books to my list. ✅ I love me some Sambal/heat! 🌶️
Love this! It also reminds me of how much I love and miss the sambal in the NL too. Last year I even ended up grabbing a couple of jars to bring back to Aus 😂 strange souvenirs but we like what we like hey?!
Sambal is delicious! Especially for spice lovers.