“It’s hard, but it’s better than therapy.” …And cheaper.

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Haha. That’s for sure!

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It sounds like an intriguing book and I am tempted by the book club but I'm just so stretched right now and I doubt I'd have time to read it, as short as it is. There's a book called 'No One Wants to Read your Shit' which was recommended to me, but I've yet to read it. I suppose I've written essays over the years but I honestly have no idea if the more reflective pieces have resonated with people or if I'm going about it the right way.

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Something I’ve learned from The Situation and the Story is to do less expository writing and to add more emotion. I have a habit of just explaining what happened without delving into how it made me feel then and now, which I think is the part people connect with. I’ll check out the other book you mentioned! And no worries about book club. It’s impromptu anyway. 😉

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Oh haha I just listened to it on audiobook a couple weeks ago. I wasn't too convinced to be honest 🫣 but I can't really remember why. So not sure if I would be a valuable addition to the book club 😅

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Haha. All opinions welcome. Could make it interesting? But no pressure! I understand if it’s not something enjoyable for you. Maybe it’s a better read than listen? Not sure…

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I think it would be, I remember finding it hard to keep up. I may also just not have been in the mood 🤷‍♀️ I had just finished a book by George Saunders (a swim in a pond in the rain) which I enjoyed so much, and I think this one just didn't compare. It's all about context!

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Sounds like an interesting book that I'd like to check out! I've been writing my memoir on Substack for most of this year. I take a year by year look at the songs and events of my life. Most of it I had previously written around the time of the pandemic but never published it. I have to admit: I was much more honest when first writing it as I had no idea who the audience would be other than myself! I find myself re-editing different passages and, in one case, re-writing the details of an entire year for fear of how people in my life would be affected by what I wrote. It's been an interesting journey but very therapeutic and fulfilling!

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I’m also finding personal essay writing therapeutic. It’s nice to reflect on things and process how they made you feel then and now. I can relate to what you’re saying about having people you know read your work and worrying about their reaction. But I wonder, are you then being true to yourself? The piece i’m working on right now (in the hopes of submitting to Modern Love) has been really tough in that regard because I’ve realized some things about my mom that don’t sound great. She has Alzheimer’s and will prob never see the article (if it even gets accepted) but I’m feeling a lot of guilt. Trying to let it go though (and write what I want/feel) because there’s obviously a reason why I chose the topic. I’ve learned a lot about myself just from working on one piece!

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Good points. Yes, I've wondered about how truthful I am at times. It's not that I make anything up I just may leave a few details out. It pains me to do that though! My sister tells me I really put myself out there, but she only reads parts of hose stories. It begs the question, do we keep certain aspects of our lives private? It sounds like you could write what you want at this point about your mother - or write it and publish it later. I know it's a tough call!

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Ooh! I've never heard of that book but it sounds so interesting. I know what you mean about personal essays, but even though they seem to take me forever to write, I also really love writing them too - it feels so cathartic. Sharing them is another thing entirely, but I'm super proud of you with your goal for Modern Love! Cheering you on! Xx

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Also, feel free to join the little book club in the chat I linked above. :)

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It was a great read! Highly recommend it, especially if you're working on moving away from expository writing and getting more into reflecting and feelings (the hard part!). Thanks for being proud of me! Hehe.

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